Nicaragua Day 5 (Wednesday)

We had our last clinic day today. Pastor Walter transported an elderly community to the school. We usually go out to them but we were taking precautions and stayed at the school. There was not anything going on politically but we are being extra cautious.

We are seeing people selling Nicaragua flags on the street. These people want freedom for their country. It seems in order for the President to make changes, they have shown their presence in the streets to make a point for change.

The country is 80% extreme poverty.  The people are so loving, hugs and kissed from most people. They express their appreciation that we care about them. "God Bless You" is a phrase used naturally in conversation here. Something we do not see in the United States as often. We see people being content with their life but there are always some who come to the clinic trying to get food or baby products. One man said he only has pila soap for his clothes so he washes himself with water only.

We have learned that poor does not = lack of material items. It actually means a broken system whether it be spiritual, economic, or political.

Tomorrow is our community project day. We are doing some home visits in the slums, handing out our Red Elephant and Blue Lion packs. The team will also set up a medical learning lab for students. We want them to see what professions are out there and build confidence. We had students counting pills and labeling them for us and they loved it!  We will also hold a conversational English class with the 8th graders. If they speak English, they can get better jobs and go to the University.

Oh, and we also stopped for ice cream and the pharmacy. Don't worry, we have been taking a lot of pictures.

More info tomorrow!


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